Author: Aleana Robins

  • The evolution of change

    The evolution of change

    Here recently I have been contemplating if I should close this site. Over the last few years, I have been through many changes. Some of that has had me losing my desire to continue to keep looking for the answer as to why am I transgender. I came to the conclusion while riding this past…

  • The Site is not dead

    The Site is not dead

    I have just added over 25 hate groups to the Dangerous Groups Page. Please take the time and get familiar with those in your area. If you know of ones that are not listed please feel free to send me a MSG with the information on that group so that I can do my research…

  • Answering a Question from “J”

    The median percentage of the Transgender Community in the world is 1%1% of 8 billion is 80 millionThis means that the Odds of even meeting or knowing a Transgender person is 0.000125% (1) According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford, the average person has about 536 social interactions per dayNow…

  • What is it to be Trans?

    I heard this question yesterday from another Transperson. They did not want a full answer until they were done talking to a group of people. Once it was done I was able to hear the insights of others before my answer. I don’t think people really understand what it is to be Transgender. In all…

  • Deep Thinking and being misgendered

    Deep Thinking and being misgendered

    I think by now if you haven’t caught on to what goes on in my life. That you might be a little shocked to find out that I’m a motorcycle rider. I frequently ask myself a question, a question that I absolutely hate “Am I trans enough”. It sits in the back of my mind.…

  • It was all going fine until…

    It was all going fine until…

    I hate that I am judged because I am an American as being like other Americans on TV and in the News. Here is a news flash I am not… Today I was invited to help out at Drag Story Time here in Launceston. This was to act as a shield for the parents that…

  • So yeah the site has taken a back seat

    So yeah the site has taken a back seat

    I am sorry, but I have been focusing on my kids. A lot of things have been placed in the back seat. I am one of those types of people that puts my children’s dreams before my own. Here is just a tiny sample of what is going on. I am still here and I…

  • Riding while Trans

    Okay life is about journeys, where do you go and how do you get there. In the end, what was the result of the journey? close to eight years ago my children and I made a choice to start over. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I did not…

  • First Aid

    Okay, let me make this clear I think everyone should take a First Aid course. But let’s go one step further we all know about Physical first aid but did you know that Mental Health First Aid is just as important. When we think about mental health we rarely look at if we can help…

  • I’ve been slacking

    Sorry but life can be cruel and the drive to do the things you love can slip away in times of stress. I learned this yesterday… H.O.P.E. (hang on pain ends) To be honest it might not but you learn and grow past it in time. These last few months have been rough at times…